Working Through Writer’s Block

writer's block

Writer’s block is the worst. It always shows up at inconvenient times and prevents you from moving forward on your creations. And, once it takes hold, it can be nearly impossible to escape.

However, it doesn’t have to be the end of your productivity, nor does it need to steal your momentum. Here are five ways to work through (or around) the dreaded writer’s block.

Also, these tips aren’t just for writers. They’re for anyone who experiences creative blocks while working on a project.

Re-read the material

If you’re ever in a creative block, take some time to re-read what you’ve already accomplished.

By re-reading the source material, you’re helping your brain return to the mood of the piece, remember details you added in the beginning, and remind it of the direction you wanted to go.

It also helps you remember how you wanted the story to turn out, and there may be a small detail in those opening paragraphs that opens the door for new opportunities.

And, if that doesn’t work, try one of these other methods instead!

Work on something else

When you hit writer’s block (or creative’s block), try shifting your focus and working on something else. The distraction will help your mind figure out the problem while also keeping you from the stress about the lack of progress.

Then, when the block begins to crumble, you can return to your original project.

Do a mundane chore

When you declutter your space, you declutter your mind, so doing chores is the perfect way to let your brain wander, free up your creativity, and helps boost your mood and reduce your anxiety.

And that’s the perfect catalyst for inspiring new ideas and breaking through the creative block that’s holding you back.

Plus, you get a cleaner space, so win-win!

Use the Rubber Duck method.

The Rubber Duck method is an old programmer’s trick where you explain your code to a rubber duck until you find the problem or get mad enough to throw it across the room.

Now, you don’t have to use a rubber duck, but the point is to find something with a face (a stuffed animal, a picture, a figurine, your pet) and talk through the problem until you find a solution.

Talking through your problems, even with a non-responsive object, helps your brain reorganize and connect ideas that seemed unconnected at the time. It also increases your comprehension of the work, which will help you find where the problems are and how to make them cooperate with the rest of the work.

Then, you’ll be able to fix it.

Get some exercise

No, I don’t mean going to the gym every time you have a creative block (unless that’s your thing), but getting some form of exercise will help you work through it.

Exercise boosts your body’s endorphin levels and increases the blood flow, which can help boost your overall mood and make you more open to original or abstract ideas.

So, next time you feel a creator’s block coming on, try to take a walk, do some jumping jacks or sit-ups, run in place, dance, get out the bicycle, do some yoga, and generally get your body moving for no less than 30 minutes.

You’ll be amazed at what a little physical activity can create!

Writer’s block (or creative’s block) is one of the worst feelings imaginable for someone trying to create something new, but it doesn’t have to be! Next time you find yourself at a loss for words, try these tips to work around your block and keep the momentum going!

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